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ayahuasca eating plan

Ayahuasca Eating Plan

By following this eating plan, you can help ensure that your body is in the best possible state for the ayahuasca experience, minimising potential adverse reactions and enhancing the overall effectiveness of the ceremony.

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Deepak Chopra Meditation 21 days – Day 10

Week 2 – Throughout this second week, you will delve deeper into various aspects of self-awareness, mindfulness, and personal growth. Each day builds upon the previous, encouraging you to set intentions, embrace uncertainty, cultivate abundance, and improve your mind-body connection. The exercises and meditations are designed to help you integrate these concepts into your daily life, fostering a deeper sense of harmony and purpose.

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As I let go of the need to arrange my life, the Universe brings abundant good to me

Deepak Chopra Meditation 21 days – Day 13

Week 2 – Throughout this second week, you will delve deeper into various aspects of self-awareness, mindfulness, and personal growth. Each day builds upon the previous, encouraging you to set intentions, embrace uncertainty, cultivate abundance, and improve your mind-body connection. The exercises and meditations are designed to help you integrate these concepts into your daily life, fostering a deeper sense of harmony and purpose.

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7 chakras

Chakra healing

Modern medicine brought many great breakthroughs, yet still we do not have solutions for chronic / autoimmune diseases.

Chakra healing is a deep internal and long process which aims to treat the body’s 7 energy centers.

The foundation of our energetic body consists of 7 major chakras as shown in the image above.

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throat chakra healing

Throat Chakra Healing

The throat chakra is the first spiritual chakra, it is connected to our truth, authentic voice, where faith and understanding become one

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crown chakra healing
Chakra Healing

Crown chakra healing

Crown chakra is the 7th chakra, the last of the spiritual chakras, it’s the source of connection to the Divine and our higher selves.

third eye chakra healing
Chakra Healing

Third eye chakra healing

The third eye chakra, also known as Ajna, is the sixth primary chakra in the human body according to traditional Indian medicine.

heart chakra healing
Chakra Healing

Heart Chakra Healing

The heart chakra, known as “Anahata” in Sanskrit, is the fourth chakra in the traditional chakra system. It is associated with love, compassion, and emotional balance.


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The logic behind Meditation

It’s that one place that each of us possess and have control of. within us.

Personal space which is the doorway towards our subconscious mind.



Meditation FAQ

Many relevant questions rise up in the process of learning how to meditate, we will summarise the FAQ here in the next page and make sure each topic will be covered properly for those of you who would like to take it further!



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