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Recent Guides

Today I treat myself to moments of luxury.

Deepak Chopra Meditation 21 days – Day 20

In Week 3 of Deepak Chopra’s 21-Day Meditation Experience, the focus is on the practical aspects of abundance through living in abundance, manifesting your desires and sustaining the positive changes you’ve cultivated over the previous weeks. This week emphasises visualisation, trust, and living abundantly. Manifesting and Sustaining!

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Why to Avoid Tyramine Before Ayahuasca

Why to Avoid Tyramine Before Ayahuasca

Ayahuasca contains MAOIs (Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors) from the Banisteriopsis caapi vine. MAOIs inhibit the breakdown of monoamines, including tyramine. Consuming high-tyramine foods while taking MAOIs can lead to a hypertensive crisis, characterized by a dangerous spike in blood pressure.

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Soham Mantra

Sohum Meditation

“Sohum” (or “So Hum”) is a powerful and ancient mantra used in meditation practices. The term “Sohum” translates to “I am That” in Sanskrit, which signifies the connection between the individual self and the universal consciousness.

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crown chakra healing
Chakra Healing

Crown chakra healing

Crown chakra is the 7th chakra, the last of the spiritual chakras, it’s the source of connection to the Divine and our higher selves.

third eye chakra healing
Chakra Healing

Third eye chakra healing

The third eye chakra, also known as Ajna, is the sixth primary chakra in the human body according to traditional Indian medicine.

throat chakra healing
Chakra Healing

Throat Chakra Healing

The throat chakra is the first spiritual chakra, it is connected to our truth, authentic voice, where faith and understanding become one


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The logic behind Meditation

It’s that one place that each of us possess and have control of. within us.

Personal space which is the doorway towards our subconscious mind.



Meditation FAQ

Many relevant questions rise up in the process of learning how to meditate, we will summarise the FAQ here in the next page and make sure each topic will be covered properly for those of you who would like to take it further!



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