Deepak Chopra Meditation 21 days – Day 15

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In Week 3 of Deepak Chopra's 21-Day Meditation Experience, the focus is on the practical aspects of abundance through living in abundance, manifesting your desires and sustaining the positive changes you've cultivated over the previous weeks. This week emphasises visualisation, trust, and living abundantly. Manifesting and Sustaining!

Day 15- Welcome to ๐Ÿ”†Day 15๐Ÿ”† Synchronising things as they should have been โœจ๐ŸŒผ๐Ÿ”†

Today’s affirmation-  “When I live in the awareness of the present moment, I live the magic of synchronising things as they were meant to be.โ€œ

Today’s Mantra: Aham Bramasmi

Here are the tasks for day 15๐Ÿค—

1 – Today’s task is about awareness. connect with the universe, ask it to send you signs to support your transformation process and reconnection with your being, your life story and your life mission. The universe will send you signs, at the end of today write the signs which arrived from the universe. Signs will be coming to you in many forms…. thoughts, events, no matter how small it may be ….. notice it, and make a note of it in your notebook!

2 – Write a thank you letter of gratitude and recognition to a person who you think has hurt you at some point in your life. Before you sit down and write, clean yourself from negative feelings towards that person. If you still feel resentment or anger – you can write down all these feelings towards him/her separately on a piece of paper and burn or tear it to pieces.๐Ÿ™ It is important not to feel hostility towards the chosen person when you write him/her a thank you letter. Meditate so that person’s image comes to you. More than one person can appear, but today we are writing a letter to only one. Your letter must be handwritten. This is important๐Ÿ’“.

Let your day be filled with joy, happiness and lightening events! ๐ŸŒž May miracles appear ๐Ÿ’ซ๐ŸŒ Have a great day and blessed meditation! ๐Ÿ’“๐Ÿ”†

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