Day 2- Welcome to 🌼Day 2🌼
Today’s affirmation – “I create my personal abundance from an infinite source ”
Today’s mantra – Aham Brahmasmi *अहं ब्रह्मास्मि* (“I am the universe.”)
Today’s reflection – What does Abundance Mean to You?
Today’s challenge – Within your journal write all your financial debts, overdrafts, loans, credit cards commitments, mortgages, personal financial commitments, financial legal commitments, and kind of debt. It’s not critical if you mention the exact amount or not, just review all commitments and have an idea of the debt scale.
Now make a list of all your monthly expenses- rental, electricity, water, food, hobbies, etc.. each monthly expense should be listed within this list.
Afterwards make a list of unexpected expenses, one time payments.
Once you finish listing all debts and monthly expenses reflect calmly on it and accept these expenses as part of life synergy.
The purpose of this task is to connect you with financial / material abundance.
Once the financial aspect is covered think deeply What does Abundance Mean to You? what would you like to have more in your life? think outside the box what other than money you would love to have more of? it could be more love in your life? more gratitude? more support from your friends and family.