Deepak Chopra Meditation 21 days – Day 3

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Week 1 - Preparing for abundance. We consider the idea that we have unlimited potential, the infinite source of abundance, how consciousness and the mind affects the flow of abundance, and how we can more deeply understand that abundance is a divine right.

Day 3- Welcome to 🌼Day 3🌼

Today’s affirmation – “Today I focus on what I want to attract into my life . ”

Today’s mantra – Sat Chit Ananda – Existence, Consciousness, Bliss.

Sat-Chit-Ananda encapsulates the realisation of one’s unity with Brahman, characterised by existence, consciousness, and bliss. It is the state of enlightenment where the individual self (Atman) recognises its oneness with the universal self (Brahman), leading to a profound sense of peace, knowledge, and joy.

Today’s reflection – What was I attracting into my life and reality till today? what do I wish to attract from now on?

Today’s challenge – Within your journal draw freely money bills which will be transferred to you mention the amount which you would like to potentially attract, write the exact amount make it real on your pages and within your mind.

Feel free to creatively draw coins, bitcoins, crypto, notes, stocks, bond and any other payment methods. Draw enough amount to be able to pay off all the debts and the expenses which you wrote down yesterday and add more money to attract as much more as you desire to have!

You can also create a mind movie as presented in the following video – this method of mind movie is recommended by Dr Jo Dispenza and was found an effective way to draw a new future to you!

Following examples>>

Picture yourself having everything which you wish for, satisfying job, money give to you, good relationships with your surroundings, see how you bring good to others, ask good for humanity, there is true abundance in the universe for everyone, and we are part of everyone.

Remember – when your intention to have something is clear you generate energy which is powerful as a laser beam – if you really intend to have it, you will!

Close your eyes and imagine the moment in the future when you are receiving the amount of money you asked for, how does it feel to have this wish coming true?

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