Day 7- Welcome to 🌼Day 7🌼
Today’s affirmation – ““I use my conscious intentions to manifest my dreams.“💫💫💫
Day 7 mantra- S Sat-Chit-Ananda Existence, Consciousness, Bliss.
Tasks for day 7: For those who are ready to open their consciousness to the flow of abundance not only for themselves but also for others❤️
- Make a list of people (names only) that you feel Energy of discomfort around them. It can be relatives, close or distant people, neighbours, parents, employees, managers, etc. The sign is once you are thinking about this person and get the feeling of: “I feel uncomfortable”, “I don’t feel well / good”
Even if it is not a constant feeling resulting from communication with a certain person, but something you experience from time to time in front of this person. Someone who usually doesn’t agree with you, doesn’t accept your behaviour, etc… Remember that these people, even if you have difficulty while communicating with them, at the same time, are your teachers through whom you get to learn your lessons! Thanks to them you understand new things about yourself and develop new and important skills. Make this list within your notebook while you are in a calm and relaxed state.
Remember the people who take you out of your comfort zone or throw you off balance Then… send them a heartfelt blessing. This is a very powerful exercise if you put your soul into it.
It’s as powerful as forgiving… because forgiveness is mainly for us, so that we don’t continue to hold on to anger or other negative emotions. The same goes for congratulating a person whom we are less comfortable with.
Today’s challenge is intended for those who are ready to act, to overcome their fears, doubts and limitations.
We have finished this first week and I hope that something really good has already started to happen to you A new way of life
Or at least in my mind A big thank you to everyone for your self-discipline, your commitment to yourself and maintaining the flow, you are amazing!☀️☘️