If we encounter uncomfortable situations in our life and avoid learning the hidden lesson, we will keep meeting the same situations within other contexts of our live.
If you are at a point in which you would like to learn the lesson and deal with it once and for all, the good news is that you have the answers within you. No need for you to look for it outside yourself but within you…
During our life our brain challenges us with ongoing thoughts which influence our feelings and being.
In other words, our thoughts create our reality.
To find the truth inside you will need to connect with the present moment (mindfulness) to quiet these ongoing thoughts.
You might ask – Why should I quiet my thoughts? They help me manage my life!
For you to control and uplift your life you will need to learn and master the best equipment which you possess – that is yourself! you won’t be able to learn yourself and understand your truth when thoughts are constantly running through your brain and managing your life automatically.
It probably won’t happen instantly on your first meditation experience but with daily practice you will develop the ability to be aware of the things that annoys you and uncover the real things which will bring you love and happiness.
To discover when to hold on and when to let go.
I also refer to meditation as a reset button, freedom getaway, to be here and now, freeing the mind from worries, analysis, and strategical planning, just being in the now and enjoying life.
After all our constant thoughts hide opportunities and new experiences which can lead to personal growth and discoveries.
We might be here physically, but our thoughts can take us far away and we miss the current being and the current precious moment which once passed, will never return.
So no better time to start then right now.