Sleep Meditation

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Sleep deprivation has a bad effect on life quality. The following Sleep meditation is a self-hypnosis which is the pathway to our sub conscious mind. Following a sleep meditation script which we tested and found effective.

Posture –

Lie in bed, on your back, place your hands beside your body.

Phase 1 – Focusing

Open your eyes and select a spot on the ceiling a bit above your eyes’ level.

Focus on that spot with your eyes open and start counting till 25, as you will reach 20 you will feel heaviness in your eyes and close the once you reach 25.

Phase 2 – Breathing

Observe your breathing pattern for few seconds.

Take a deep slow breath fill your belly, your chest, your head with air, hold it and slowly release all the air out hold it and then again, inhale slowly fill your belly, your chest, your head with air, hold it and slowly release all the air out hold it and then again.

Repeat it for 4 times. With each breath in and out feel the stress leaving your body and calmness entering your body with each inhale.

Phase 3 – Blinking and relaxing

Squeeze tightly your eyelid, close your eyes as tight as possible, release and feel relaxation from your eyes to your head spreading all through your body, neck, chest, hands, all the way down till you reach your feet.

Phase 4 – Imagination

Once you reach relaxation see yourself on a flying balloon going down calmly and slowly, start counting from 25 back, once you reach 1 you will reach the ground and feel relaxed.

You landed and you reached the most relaxing place, it could be any place which you connect with relaxation. Think about this place and feel your body relaxed, keep the image of that place in your mind.

Slowly as having a mantra running in your head, start counting from 1 till you reach 1000.

Good night.

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