Root Chakra Healing

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The first chakra of the seven primary chakras in the body which is responsible for how safe and secure we feel.

Other names: Muladhara chakra (Sanskrit name), first chakra, base chakra.

Characteristic of the Root Chakra

Color: Red

Element: Earth

Symbol: A four-petaled lotus

Animal: Elephant

Sound: Lam

Glands: Adrenals

Musical Note: C – Sit in a comfortable position, focus on the base of your spine, and chant the note C (or use a C tuning fork or singing bowl).

Frequency: Around 256 Hz (variations may exist in different traditions)

Location: Perineum, between the genitals and the anus, base of the spine.

Physical body parts: Base of the spine, near the tailbone, feet, legs, bones, rectum, immune system, and lower digestive functions: large intestine, teeth.

Physical dysfunction: Chronic lower back pains, rectal tumors / cancer, hemorrhoids, sciatica, varicose veins, constipation, degenerative arthritis, knee problems, depression, immune related disorders, weight issues.

Emotional Associations: Survival instincts, security, grounding, and the sense of safety.

Life lesson: Feel safe and secure in your physical body, manifest your basic needs and cultivate healthy physical sexuality.

Mental / Emotional Associations: Stability, security, group safety, family safety, ambition, and self-sufficiency.

Spiritual Associations: Connection to the physical body and the material world.

Signs of Imbalance / energy blockage:

Overactive Root Chakra: Feelings of greed, controlling behavior, aggressiveness, and material obsession.

Underactive Root Chakra: Feelings of fear, guilt, fear of being alive, insecurity, instability, and difficulty in maintaining basic needs.

Consequences of Imbalance at the root chakra:

When the root chakra is out if balance, the person us not able to trust nature, he feels disconnected from nature, do not believe that nature can fulfill his basic needs, function mostly out of his fear and unsafe mode, disconnect from tribal beliefs.

Advantages of balanced root chakra:

Feel of connection to nature, grounded, trust mother nature and the nature laws, flow with life events easily, deep belief that nature is there for us to provide what we need, good family and tribal connection, feeling safe.

Ways to Balance the Root Chakra

Meditation: Focusing on the color red and visualizing the root chakra at the base of the spine.

Physical Activity: Grounding exercises such as walking barefoot on natural surfaces, yoga, and strength training.

Diet: Consuming red-colored foods (e.g., apples, beets, red peppers), proteins, and root vegetables.

Affirmations: Repeating affirmations like “I am safe,” “I am grounded,” and “I am secure.”

Healing Practices:

Using crystals: Ruby, garnet, black tourmaline, bloodstone hematite, obsidian, onyx, red jasper, lodestone, smoky quartz, fire agate.

Using essential oils: Myrrh, vetiver, sandalwood, patchouli, spikenard.

practicing grounding techniques; and engaging in therapeutic activities that foster a sense of security and stability.

The root chakra is considered the foundation of the chakra system. A balanced root chakra provides stability and grounding, essential for the proper functioning of all other chakras. It is associated with our basic needs and survival instincts, influencing our sense of safety and security in the world.

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