Deepak Chopra Meditation 21 days – Day 4

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Week 1 - Preparing for abundance. We consider the idea that we have unlimited potential, the infinite source of abundance, how consciousness and the mind affects the flow of abundance, and how we can more deeply understand that abundance is a divine right.

Day 4- Welcome to 🌼Day 4🌼

Today’s affirmation – From this moment forward, I invite unlimited abundance into my life.

Today’s mantra – Aham Bramasmi  – I am the infinite reality.

Aham: This means “I” in Sanskrit, referring to the individual self or ego. Brahmasmi: This is a compound of “Brahman” and “asmi.” “Brahman” refers to the ultimate reality or the universal spirit in Hindu philosophy, while “asmi” means “am.”

Today’s challenge –

  1. Make a list of at least 2 persons which you consider as prosperous, you consider them as happy people who managed to reach some or all of their life goals, they could be family members, friends, inspiring persons whom you personally know and can approach them at any time. Since you know these persons quite well try for few minutes to think like they do, which way of thinking enabled them to achieve their goals? From your point of view, what way of thinking pushed their performance to be better than others ?
  2. In order for a true change to happen you need to become conscious of who you have been till now which brought the reality as you are experiencing it, what old thoughts you should stop thinking? what habits and behaviours do you have to stop demonstrating? which feelings do you wish to stop experiencing? the first step to change is to become conscious of who you are?
  3. Today’s reflection – What is pure consciousness Which things you would really like to do but you don’t have enough time to do?

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