Throat Chakra Healing

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The throat chakra is the first spiritual chakra, it is connected to our truth, authentic voice, where faith and understanding become one

Healing the throat chakra, known as Vishuddha in Sanskrit, involves practices that promote clear communication, self-expression, and honesty. The throat chakra is located at the throat and is associated with the color blue.

Characteristic of the Throat Chakra

Glands: Thyroid, parathyroid.

Location: At the front of the base of the neck, at the hollow of the collarbone.

Physical body parts: Throat, trachea, neck vertebrae, mouth, teeth and gums, esophagus, hypothalamus, shoulders, arms, hands.

Color: The predominant color is Light blue. The associated color is blue, representing purity and calm.

Element: Sound

Symbol: The symbol of the throat chakra typically consists of the following elements:

  • 16-Petaled Lotus: The throat chakra symbol features a lotus with sixteen petals.
  • Triangle: In the center of the symbol, there is often a downward-pointing triangle.
  • Circle: The triangle is usually enclosed in a circle, symbolizing the element of ether or space.
  • Seed Sound (Bija Mantra): The symbol often includes the syllable “HAM” written in Sanskrit, which is the seed sound of the throat chakra.
throat chakra healing

Singing and Humming: Using your voice in singing, humming, or even speaking affirmations out loud can help clear blockages and energise the throat chakra. Healing sounds for the throat chakra typically include specific frequencies like 741 Hz, mantras, and musical notes that resonate with this energy center.

741 Hz: This frequency is often associated with the throat chakra and is believed to help with communication and expression.

Mantras: HAM: The bija (seed) mantra for the throat chakra is “HAM.” Chanting this sound helps in balancing and activating the throat chakra.

Musical Notes: Note G: In the Western musical scale, the note G is often linked to the throat chakra. Playing or listening to music in the key of G can help in harmonising this chakra.

Tibetan Singing Bowls and Tuning Forks – Using Tibetan singing bowls or tuning forks tuned to the throat chakra frequency can also aid in balancing this energy center.

Guided Meditations and Affirmations – Guided meditations focused on the throat chakra often incorporate sounds, visualisations, and affirmations to support healing and balance.

Affirmations: “I speak” – “I speak my truth with clarity and confidence.”- “I express myself freely and creatively.”

Possible causes of energy blocks: Difficulty with expressing yourself, holding words, swallowing words, suppressing creative talent.

Physical dysfunction: When the throat chakra is imbalanced, the following can occur, Raspy or sore throat, mouth uclers, gums difficulties, TMJ, stiff neck, scoliosis, swollen glands, thyroid problems.

Emotional Associations: This chakra is associated with strength of will, personal expression, following our calling, our dreams, using our personal power to create, ability to take decisions, addiction tendency, judgment and criticism, .

Life lesson: Speak your truth and receive truth.

Balanced Throat Chakra: When the throat chakra is balanced we live strong, we are able to follow our dreams, we speak our truth, we say what we mean and we mean what we say, we are creative and authentically express our creativity, speech / silence status are balanced.

Here are several methods to help heal and balance the throat chakra:

Meditation and Visualisation

1. **Chakra Meditation**: Focus on the throat area and visualize a bright blue light spinning and expanding. Imagine this light clearing any blockages and filling you with the ability to express yourself freely and truthfully.

2. **Mantra Chanting**: Chanting the sound “HAM” (the seed mantra for the throat chakra) can help activate and balance this chakra.


Use positive affirmations to promote healing. Some examples include:

– “I speak my truth with clarity and confidence.”

– “I express myself freely and creatively.”

– “My voice is strong and clear.”

Yoga Poses

Certain yoga poses can help open and balance the throat chakra:

**Fish Pose (Matsyasana)**: This pose opens the throat and chest, promoting energy flow to the throat chakra.

**Shoulder Stand (Sarvangasana)**: Stimulates the throat chakra and encourages a free flow of energy.

**Plow Pose (Halasana)**: Opens the throat area and helps to release tension.

Breathing Exercises

Practice pranayama (breathing exercises) to help clear and balance the throat chakra:

**Ujjayi Breath (Ocean Breath)**: Inhale and exhale deeply through the nose, constricting the back of the throat slightly to create a sound like the ocean. This breath helps to calm the mind and stimulate the throat chakra.

Sound Healing

**Listening to Binaural Beats or Solfeggio Frequencies**: Frequencies like 741 Hz are associated with the throat chakra and can help balance it.

**Singing and Humming**: Using your voice in singing, humming, or even speaking affirmations out loud can help clear blockages and energize the throat chakra.

Crystals and Stones

Turquoise – It is believed to support communication, enhance creativity, and help with self-expression.

Blue kyanite: It is known for its ability to balance and align the chakras, clear blockages, and enhance communication.

Celestite (celestine) – It is known for its gentle, calming energy and ability to enhance communication, creativity, and spiritual connection.

Lolite is a powerful crystal known for its ability to enhance intuition, clear communication, and spiritual insight, making it an excellent stone for throat chakra healing.

Sodalite is a powerful stone associated with the throat chakra. It is known for its ability to enhance communication, encourage truthfulness, and improve rational thought.

Lapis Lazuli: Known for enhancing communication and expression.

Aquamarine: Helps to soothe the throat and promotes clear communication.

Blue Lace Agate: Assists in expressing thoughts and emotions calmly and clearly.

Essential Oils

Aromatherapy can also be beneficial for throat chakra healing. Some essential oils to consider include:

Lavender: Calming, reduces anxiety, enhances communication and expression.

Rosemary: Enhances mental clarity, boosts confidence, and improves communication, rosemary is a great addition to your throat chakra healing toolkit.

Frankincense: Spiritual grounding, enhances communication, reduces anxiety.

Hyssop: Known for its purifying and protective properties, hyssop can help clear blockages and support open, honest communication.

Eucalyptus: Clears blockages, promotes open communication, soothing to the throat.

Tea Tree: Benefits: Clears energy blockages, enhances clear communication, purifies.

Peppermint: Stimulates and invigorates, helping to clear any blockages.

Chamomile: Calming, reduces stress, promotes truthful expression. Promotes relaxation and can help soothe an overactive throat chakra.

Geranium: Balances emotions, promotes calm and clear expression.

Sage: Clears negativity, enhances clarity and truthfulness in communication.

Combining Essential Oils

You can create blends of essential oils to enhance their effects. For example:

  • Calming Blend: Lavender, Chamomile, and Frankincense
  • Clarity Blend: Peppermint, Eucalyptus, and Tea Tree
  • Balancing Blend: Geranium, Sage, and Lavender

By incorporating essential oils into your throat chakra healing practices, you can enhance communication, self-expression, and emotional balance!


Writing can be a powerful way to clear and express your thoughts and emotions. Try journaling regularly to help articulate your inner experiences.

Communication Practices

Honest Conversations: Practice speaking your truth in a respectful and clear manner. Engaging in open and honest conversations helps to strengthen the throat chakra.

Active Listening: Being a good listener is also essential for throat chakra balance. It encourages a healthy exchange of energy and understanding in communication.

Diet and Nutrition

Hydration: Drink plenty of water to keep your throat area hydrated and clear.

Blue Foods: Incorporate blue-colored foods like blueberries, blackberries, and blue corn into your diet to help energise the throat chakra.

Balancing and healing the throat chakra can lead to improved communication skills, greater self-expression, and a stronger sense of authenticity in your interactions with others.

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