Aham Brahmasmi Meditation

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"Aham Brahmasmi" is a Sanskrit phrase from the ancient Indian texts known as the Upanishads, specifically the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad. It is one of the four Mahavakyas, or great sayings, of Advaita Vedanta, a philosophical and spiritual tradition within Hinduism.

The phrase “Aham Brahmasmi” translates to “I am Brahman” or “I am the universe.” It signifies the realisation of the self’s unity with the ultimate reality or the universal consciousness, Brahman. This concept emphasises that the true nature of the individual self (Atman) is identical to Brahman, the ultimate, unchanging reality, amidst and beyond the world

In essence, “Aham Brahmasmi” represents a profound declaration of spiritual enlightenment and the understanding of one’s inherent divinity and unity with all existence.

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