Deepak Chopra Meditation 21 days – Day 1

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Week 1 - Preparing for abundance. We consider the idea that we have unlimited potential, the infinite source of abundance, how consciousness and the mind affects the flow of abundance, and how we can more deeply understand that abundance is a divine right.

Day 1- Welcome to 🌼Day 1🌼

Today’s affirmation – “Today I behold all the abundance that surrounds me.”

Today’s mantra – “Sohum” (or “So Hum”) is a powerful and ancient mantra used in meditation practices. The term “Sohum” translates to “I am That” in Sanskrit, which signifies the connection between the individual self and the universal consciousness.

Today’s challenge – Within your journal write a list of 50 people who in some way have positively influenced your life, It could be anyone, a teacher, a writer, friend, inspiring person.

The list should contain not less than 50 names. Put a deep thinking while creating this list and consciously reflect on how each person within your list has influenced your life journey.

Mention with few words next to each name what was the gift each person brought to your life.

As you go through your list afterwards anchor in your mind the gift each person brought to your life.

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