Deepak Chopra Meditation 21 days – Day 17

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In Week 3 of Deepak Chopra's 21-Day Meditation Experience, the focus is on the practical aspects of abundance through living in abundance, manifesting your desires and sustaining the positive changes you've cultivated over the previous weeks. This week emphasises visualisation, trust, and living abundantly. Manifesting and Sustaining!

Day 17- Welcome to 💖Day 17✨Live without worries✨💖

Today’s affirmation-  “I move through my days lighthearted and care-free knowing all is well.

Today’s Mantra: Sat Chit Ananda

Tasks for day 17☀️:

Today, we will look at how we can live without worries – without judgment and anxiety, while focusing on the joy and focusing on the wholeness of our world.

By meditating and immersing in the awareness of the present moment I understand that in this moment everything is perfect and as it should be and that all the problems we may have are fleeting and temporary.

Question 1: How do you feel when you wake up every morning?

Question 2: How can your life improve if you choose living with a “light heart” and no worries?

Question 3: What can you change to spread the love and joy you feel in your heart right now?

Today you will perform a special task for the 17th day.

Make a list of all the important things you have. Material and spiritual, real and not real. for example:
I have a smartphone to be in touch with the world
I have a credit card to pay bills
I have real friends
I have love for my partner
I have precious memories
I have a body for pleasure
I have a mind to understand
I have education
I have a favourite city… There is no need to put priorities ​​within this list, the purpose is to get to know everything you have and that is important for you.

Motto of today: I control my emotions and choose to feel complete, healthy, prosperous and blessed. 💫

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