Breathing meditation protocol

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Our ability to concentrate is limited but we can extend its' duration with the help of breathing meditation.

Purpose: Quiet the mind [Mindfulness]

Breath control meditation is a simple and a fundamental meditation which considered as the favourite one among meditators. Known also as Ancient Indian Pranayama .

Our mind is usually analysing the past and planning the future.

The breath represents the present moment because the breath is always here.

The breath takes us to our living truth – wakes up to our reality at the current moment – anchor us to our presence and help us with building a deep Prana.

Planning phase: At the beginning of a meditation we will define what we would like to achieve,

Goals – most common goals are to develop concentration, Thoughts awareness and Quiet our thoughts. Discriminating alertness.

Motivation – define a positive motivation for doing the meditation.

Time – 10 till 30 minutes is good.

Position & attention phase

Attention to in breath – out breath.

Close your eyes to reduce stimulations which usually bring more thoughts.

Spinning the eyes backwards as if they are gazing at the heart.

Take a moment to find your comfortable sitting position, the most important is that you will feel comfortable at your meditation position.

Sit on a chair which is not too soft, with your feet flat on the floor.

Allow your spine to strengthen and stretch.

Relax your muscles and your whole body.

Back straight – it’s important for energy flow.

Shoulders and arms relaxed.

Neck bent forward a bit as looking forward towards the front floor.

Mouth relaxed and close Jaw relaxed.

Think of each of these as they are comfortable at the right position.

Let your breath flow naturally.

Breath attention phase

Breath is the source of life. It begins with our first breath and ends with our last one.

Breath deep to free your mind and relax:

Blow all the air out.

Allow the breath to breath itself as a baby, observe the effect of the breath on your body.

Feelings, sound, scents, taste, temperature outside and inside.


Count your breaths – 1 till 10 breaths

Count Breath in 1 – Slowly breath in filling your body with air.

Count Breath out 1 – Blow all the air out releasing out all negativity thoughts away from you.

Count Breath in 2 – Slowly breath in filling your body with air.

Count Breath out 2 – Blow all the air out releasing out all negativity thoughts away from you.

Count Breath in 3 – Slowly breath in filling your body with air.

Count Breath out 3 – Blow all the air out releasing out all negativity thoughts away from you.

Count Breath in 4 – Slowly breath in filling your body with air.

Count Breath out 4 – Blow all the air out releasing out all negativity thoughts away from you.

Count Breath in 5 – Slowly breath in filling your body with air.

Count Breath out 5 – Blow all the air out releasing out all negativity thoughts away from you.


Thoughts observations


Follow your breath natural as a baby.

Now become aware of different thoughts which pop up in your mind.

Let thoughts pop up in your mind and observe them.

Imagine clouds – each thought as a cloud move away and you see the blue sky again.

Hold each thought and breath that thought out.

Slowly breath in filling your body with air.

Blow all the air out releasing out all the thought out. Quiet your mind. Focus on nothing.


Back to Count your breaths – 1 till 10 breaths

Say Breath in 1 – Slowly breath in filling your body with air.

Say Breath out 1 – Blow all the air out releasing out all negativity thoughts away from you.

Say Breath in 2 – Slowly breath in filling your body with air.

Say Breath out 2 – Blow all the air out releasing out all negativity thoughts away from you.

Say Breath in 3 – Slowly breath in filling your body with air.

Say Breath out 3 – Blow all the air out releasing out all negativity thoughts away from you.

Say Breath in 4 – Slowly breath in filling your body with air.

Say Breath out 4 – Blow all the air out releasing out all negativity thoughts away from you.

Say Breath in 5 – Slowly breath in filling your body with air.

Say Breath out 5 – Blow all the air out releasing out all negativity thoughts away from you.

Dedication at the end of the meditation-

Once you finish the meditation, be happy with the fact that you made time to have this meditation, be filled with peace and joy.

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